Letter to My Ten Year Old Boys {Child Photographer|Prosper, TX}

It’s hard to believe that we are already here.  Ten seemed so far away when you were baby boys.  The train sets, tricycles and super hero toys have all been tossed aside.  You now spend you days hanging with friends, playing xbox and every sport under the sun.  I used to think that we had so much time together. There were so many things that I wanted to teach you and experiences to be had.  Your tenth birthday this month is a sobering reminder that our time together is short and your childhood will eventually come to an end.  You two will move towards the teen years where your friends will have more and more influence over you. You will choose to spend weekends with them instead of at hanging at home.  I want so badly to stop time. I desperately grasp at all the moments as time slips through my fingers.  I joke that I want you to stop growing and be little forever, but I know that is not the way life works.  God has an amazing plan for both of you.  I can already see it unfolding as you grow into the pre-teen years.  Your journey is amazing to watch and He has given me the privilege still having you at home for just a little while longer.  I want to make the best of these years and embrace all that our time together has to offer.

Letter to My Ten Year Old Sons {Child Photographer|Prosper, TX}

The greatest gift that God ever gave me is being your mom.  I never even fathomed being a mother of multiples until the doctor told me we were going to be blessed with two beautiful boys.  I knew at that moment the ride was going to be crazy, but I was sure that I had enough love in my heart for two.  Your father and I had prayed so long and hard for you.  It was surreal that you were finally on your way!  Having a double blessing is so amazing and I hope that someday you will see the gift in being a twin.  I know that right now it can be a drag.  You loathe each other on occasion and long for time apart.  You crave individual recognition and cringe when people group you together.  I see your frustration in your eyes and hear it in your voices.  However, I also see it from a larger perspective. I see two boys that could not be more opposite, but if they worked together they could change the world.  Your strengths compliment each other in ways that only God could mastermind.  He knew what he was doing when he chose you two to be brothers.  I’m know he has big dreams for both of you and my prayer is that you will follow Him with all of your heart.  In the end, I pray that you will look back on your life and see the  wonders of having a twin by your side.  Remember fondly the days you spend hours jumping on the trampoline, playing outside and building pillow forts together.  I promise you really do like each other if you look deep enough in your heart.

Letter to My Ten Year Old Sons {Child Photographer|Prosper, TX}

I can’t wait to see where the next few years will take us.  Each fall when I send you off to school I wonder what I’m going to get back in the spring.  Will it still be my little boys or will they have changed and started to conform under the pressure of their peers?  I’m pretty sure that this summer you will both come back to me again and we have a little more time.  My heart bursts when I think of all the memories that we still need to make.  I want to soak up the sweetness of this age and bottle it up for the hard years I know are ahead.  For now, you still want me to pick you up from school and ask that I bring you lunch.  You still love to snuggle on the couch and ask me to lay down with you at night.  Your bedtime prayers are sweet and simple but they give me glimpse into the depths of your soul.  My opinions and advice still matter a bit, but I can see that you don’t think I know as much as I use to.  You love to play basketball with your dad for hours our driveway and this is where the character building conversations will shape your lives.  These are the beautiful moments that make you your ten year old life.  I am so grateful that I get to be a part of them.

Letter to My Ten Year Old Sons {Child Photographer|Prosper, TX}

I know you are so anxious to cross over the bridge into the double digits.  Its a big milestone and you can’t wait to see what is on the other side.  The next decade will bring driving, dating, gradation and many other life events.  I have to say my Mommy heart is not ready for any of that yet.  I trust that God will prepare my heart for when those events come.  Until then I want to wrap you up in my arms and create wonderful memories.  We only get to live in  in our ten year old world for a brief time.  My hope is that these memories and your faithful twin will carry you through whatever trials life brings you way.




Letter to My Ten Year Old Sons {Child Photographer|Prosper, TX} Letter to My Ten Year Old Sons {Child Photographer|Prosper, TX} Letter to My Ten Year Old Sons {Child Photographer|Prosper, TX} Letter to My Ten Year Old Sons {Child Photographer|Prosper, TX} Letter to My Ten Year Old Sons {Child Photographer|Prosper, TX} Letter to My Ten Year Old Sons {Child Photographer|Prosper, TX} Letter to My Ten Year Old Sons {Child Photographer|Prosper, TX} Letter to My Ten Year Old Sons {Child Photographer|Prosper, TX} Letter to My Ten Year Old Sons {Child Photographer|Prosper, TX} Letter to My Ten Year Old Sons {Child Photographer|Prosper, TX} Letter to My Ten Year Old Sons {Child Photographer|Prosper, TX}

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